Banner display ads are effective and work…

...if you've engaged with your customer, profiled them, dropped a cookie on their computer, the ads are 1:1 hyper-targeted, and they have a meaningful call to action.


Let's take a moment to do a quick primer on the ad sales model on the web so we're all on the same page. The banner advertising sales model has largely been the same for the last 15 years on the internet - scattershot, buy in bulk and I'll probably hit a few customers. This has been the approach to display advertising on the web, until recently generally speaking. In the last few years, we've seen the emergence and explosion of what is called programmatic advertising. Programmatic has quickly become the backbone of how advertising is sold, bought, and served across multiple platforms and devices, and content types.

What is programmatic advertising? Programmatic Advertising refers to ad inventory being bought in real-time by a computer, who is buying in real time from another computer, putting relevant ads in front of a specific user.

We've come a long way from the days when marketers bought ad inventory in bulk from a sales rep for a certain period of time. In that model as a marketer you had to hope that your customer, potential or existing, visited that site or platform in that time period.

For years now the jury on banner display has been in. Banner ads were only good for large, mass exposure campaigns. The Click Through Rate (CTR) was too low, users suffered from what is called "banner blindness" which meant that they just sub-consciously blurred out the ads. This made buying an effective display ad campaign an expensive endeavor to buy the exposure needed to make any meaningful connection with display ads.

But why? Well, let's go back a few paragraphs to when we were talking about how the old model worked. It was scattershot. As a marketer, you had to buy inventory on 1 site, in mass, and hope your potential customer or existing customer that you were trying to reach went to that site, saw the ad and engaged with it.

With the rise of programmatic, ads can be bought in lower and more meaningful quantities. When you serve an ad, in quantity to a person who is either a loyal, engaged and/or qualified lead, not only does it stand out because of the brand recognition, but the engagement is better because the ad has meaning to them.

The 300x600 ad size served 2,700 impressions during the campaign period and recieved a CTR of 1.11%, over 3X the average CTR for banner display ads.

The average CTR (Click Through Rate) for banner display ads on the web is .35%. Take for example the small campaign we ran for Moose Direct. We served over 20,000 impressions to 210 qualified customers in a 30 day period. The 300x600 ad size served 2,700 impressions during the campaign period and received a CTR of 1.11%, over 3X the average CTR for banner display ads.

But where does the customer data come from? All the data needed to run a successful programmatic campaign comes from one of two sources in the end.

1) You can rent it from a third-party, using someone else's data because their customer data looks like and sounds like your customer.

2)You can build your own in house customer database which becomes a long term asset to your business or organization.

Need help? Interested in learning more? Reach out to us and we'd be happy to spend the time with you and go over how we can help you hyper-target your customers with marketing services like this and more.